495th Anniversary of Reformation Day
With Guests :
Rev. Dan Torkelson of St. John’s in North Prairie, WI.[/fourcol_one] [fourcol_one]
Rev. Dave Boisclair of Bethesda/ Faith of St. Louis, MO[/fourcol_one] [fourcol_one]
Rev. Larry Troxel of St. Paul in Bowen, IL[/fourcol_one] [fourcol_one_last]
Rev. Jeff Alexander of Mt. Olive in Greendwood, IN[/fourcol_one_last]
[twocol_one]First Hour:
Audio Player
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Second Hour:
Audio Player[/twocol_one_last]
This week Lutherans celebrate the feast of the Reformation… A time to honor the events that sparked the German Protestant Reformation in the 16th century…
Martin Luther… increasingly concerned about the sale of indulgences by corrupt priests who claimed that financial donations could release loved ones from purgatory… wrote a protest against these abuses known as the 95 Theses… which, unknown at the time, brought about the German Protestant Reformation…
And the banner cry of the Reformation was and remains ‘Semper Reformanda’… the Church is always reforming…
It remains today a clarion call for the church to continually examine itself so as to maintain the purity of doctrine and practice…
But in an age of post modern, post Christian and post church thinking… a time of secularism and politically correct multiculturalism… have we come to t appoint in history where the Reformation is no longer needed…?
Or does the reformation still hold a dynamic influence over theology and society…?
Today’s Studio A edition holds A Reformation Day Round Table Discussion on the Protestant Reformation – what was it, what is it, and what may become of it…